Job’s Hedge

But what is it that Job receives that Satan believes is the reason for Job’s God fearing trait?

For the moment, set aside Job’s motive for his obedience, because Satan is absolutely wrong about that.  However, Satan is right about the thing that Job receives and it is not what most people would pray for.   It is not money, children, lots of servants or respect of others.  The truth is, one could pray endlessly for what Job has and it would be unattainable.  Yet Job has it and Satan knows it.  One cannot see it or touch it.  However, if you have it; it is the best thing for protection and flourishing.  It is not based on who or what you are.  This is where most miss it.  Satan tells us what it is in Job 1:10.

10Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side? thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land.

Satan calls it the Hedge.  It protects everything we have and it increases the works of our hands.  Remember what God asked Satan, Job 1:8.

8And Yehovah said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil?

It would be ludicrous to think that, God did not know that Job had a hedge.  God knew that Job was protected.  Because it was God who setup the system whereby Job or anyone similar to Job would be protected.  As such, indirectly God placed the hedge around Job.  God setup the system for a reason.  A reason that escapes most people.  Simply God does not give you a hedge, because you are a Christian.  God gives you a hedge for a much different reason.

Consider for the moment, possibly God knew that Job would withstand the Devil.  This is why God asked Satan have you considered my servant Job.  Job was not just another believer out there that wanted riches and peace.  Job was principally a servant, a laborer of God.

Because God brought up Job’s name, Satan presents a challenge, Job 1:11

 11But put forth thine hand now, and touch all that he hath, and he will curse thee to thy face.

Satan claims that if God would take all Job has, Job will curse God.  To think that God did not know how Job would respond to such a situation, would be to think little of God.  God knew exactly what He was doing and Satan knew this.  Overall, Satan was just trying to cause havoc.  Satan may or may not have known for sure whether he could trip up Job, but Satan knew that other weaker believers would not understand what was happening.  In that, it would lead to the detriment of others.  Many would be as confused about Job as they are with much of the Bible.  Today many accuse Job of atrocious sins with little or no bases for their belief.  This is because many do not understand the life of Job and it conflicts with their personal doctrine  As such, they create reasons for why things happened to Job to support their doctrine.  Failure to understand Job and discounting the real reason why Job suffered may lead to a less than righteous lifestyle.

Job 1:12

12And Yehovah said unto Satan, Behold, all that he hath is in thy power; only upon himself put not forth thine hand. So Satan went forth from the presence of Yehovah.

Before Satan could do anything to Job, God had to allow it to occur.  What we see here is if one has a hedge around them, Satan cannot touch them.  Unfortunately for most believers, few have a hedge significant enough to ensure even moderate protection and flourishing around them.  Most have hedges that are in disrepair with openings that a truck could drive through.

The question that all believers need an answer to is, how does one get a hedge similar to Job such that Satan cannot touch the individual without the prior consent of God?

Job’s faith through his life will reveal the answer.  This discussion will have to return to Job to fully understand this subject.

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