Law of First Mention

Another important principle that is employed is the law of first mention.  What that means is, when something is stated, nothing that follows can contradict it.  When understood, this is a commonly accepted concept.  Otherwise there would be contradictions within the Bible.

Consider Malachi 3:6.

6For I am Yehovah, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.

God does not change.  He is consistent from beginning to end.  Which is consistent with Hebrews 13:8.

8Yeshua Messiah the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

The fact that God is consistent should give comfort to all.  He can be trusted at His word.  If God stated something, it is reliable.

Consider that there are very few people who would want to work for, or be in a relationship with, anyone that is always changing their mind.  If so, one would not know if they were coming or going.  If it was their  boss, they would wonder if they would have a job the next day.  Consistency is a key to understanding the Bible.  Without it, the required standard would be unclear.

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